A computing term that refers to a
digital circuit capable of executing
arithmetic and logical operations.
The ALU is a basic element of the
central processing unit of a computer,
and even the simplest microprocessors
carry one (for functions such as contro-
lling timers). The processors found
inside modern CPUs and GPUs contain
capable and complex ALUs; a single compo-
nent may have several ALUs.
(1.0) Microprocessor
(1.0.1) Central Processing Unit
(1.0.2) Arithmetic Logic Unit
Computers: Understanding Arithmetic Logic Unit
Computers: Understanding Digital Circuit
A device that uses digital signals.
A digital circuit is a representation
of Boolean algebra. It's utilized in
products such as computers and cell
phones, and often produced from large
groups of logic gates.
Computers: Understanding Arithmetic
A branch of mathematics used for tasks
like simple counting and advanced calculation.
It mostly refers to the noting of the basic
properties of certain operations on numbers.
Computers: Understanding Logic
The examination of the principles and criteria
of valid inference and demonstration.
Computers: Understanding Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Also called Processor.
The part in a digital computer capable of executing
a program. It interprets commands in the computer
program and processes data accordingly. A CPU
that's made as a single integrated circuit
is usually known as a microprocessor.
Computers: Understanding Microprocessor
A programmable digital electronic component
that includes the functions of a central processing
unit (CPU) on a single semiconducting integrated
circuit (IC).
(1.0) Integrated Circuit
(1.0.1) Microprocessor
(1.0.2) Central Processing Unit
(1.0.3) Arithmetic Logic Unit
Computers: Understanding Graphics Processing Unit
Alternatively called Visual Processing Unit (VPU)
A dedicated graphics rendering agent for
a personal computer, workstation,
or game console. A GPU can rest on
top of a video card, or it can be
incorporated directly into the
motherboard in most desktop and
notebook computers. Modern GPUs
are very efficient at manipulating
and displaying computer graphics.